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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Mermaid's Treasure (Transformation, MD, BE) Part II

Bit of an unexpected delay, but here we go!

Julie was rising up to the surface, when suddenly she felt a tug on her leg. Looking down, she blinked. There was… nothing around her flipper-clad foot. But the water shimmered, seeming for a moment almost like a tentacle, and it was gripping her. She struggled for a moment, but then it pulled her down, down from the surface above, the beams of light playing over her struggling body as she was pulled deeper into the water.

The pressure was crushing her. She flailed and struggled, and then suddenly, she couldn’t breathe. However hard she tried to suck the air into her lungs it felt…

Like a vacuum. Julie screamed, losing the mouthpiece, even as she flailed around. She grabbed for it, missed.

And then, desperate for breath, inhaled. But Julie didn’t feel the gagging reflex as the water surged into her mouth and lungs. In fact… It eased her need.

“Oh God!” Julie said.

Then she stopped dead. She’d heard her words. She’d heard her words like they were natural… And she was breathing, breathing water and not drowning!

It was then that she felt her body starting to shift. The straps of her tank were seeming to dissolve in the water. She screamed in surprise as it fell off, vanishing down into the darkness, while suddenly her bikini did the same, shreds of fabric floating around her, before they too vanished.

Julie was flailing her naked body struggling against the power that continued to pull her into the depths.

But the pressure wasn’t bothering her anymore, and it was getting more difficult to kick her legs. Julie looked down, the sight clear despite the growing darkness, and gasped.

She could gasp now, which was shocking in and of itself. The water was glowing, seeming to caress her legs, and where it touched them, her skin was changing, gleaming scales replacing her lightly tanned flesh.

“No!” she shouted and redoubled her efforts to escape. But it was no good. She kept going down and now she felt her legs being pulled together by some impossible force. She looked down and her skin wasn’t just turning scaly, her legs were merging together! She saw a tail start to flare out from where her feet were, the iridescent scales covering the growing fins even as her legs became one thick lower body. Even her hips were flaring out, growing, evidently providing more mass to drive her body through the water, guide fins springing out from the sides.

But she was still being pulled down, the water rushing past her, and as Julie looked down, she saw a glowing portal below. She struggled even more desperately, trying to kick her fins back and forth, but nothing slowed her down.

And then she noticed that the water was no longer cold…and in fact it felt perfect for her body. The change wasn’t stopping at her legs…

“NOOOOOO!!!!” Julie screamed, even as she was pulled down to the  mysterious glow below.

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