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And my Patreon is ready.

 It's now up. I'm gonna throw up a few AI art images, but coming up in the next fewq days will be a new story, "farmhouse fun.&...

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Having Fun, Down on the Farm!


Pick up Down On the Farm  HERE!

Sometimes getting lost can be the best thing that happens to you…

Judy is driving back to college when she gets lost on a lonely backwoods road. But she’s lucky because she’s found a very friendly couple at a very special farm. Mike and Mary two people a falling star gifted with bodies like you wouldn’t believe. And they’re perfectly happy to share with their sexy new friend!

And now Judy’s going to discover the gift of a lifetime, as she also gets the body of a goddess! She’ll learn what it’s like to have a powerful man and his sexy woman pleasure her in ways she never dreamed possible, even while the same miracle that changed them grants her the kind of body she’s only dreamed of. Judy may have been lost when she came to this farm, but she’s going to love her new home!

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