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And my Patreon is ready.

 It's now up. I'm gonna throw up a few AI art images, but coming up in the next fewq days will be a new story, "farmhouse fun.&...

Friday, June 18, 2021

Chapter headings or no chapter headings.

 You may have noticed that the last few stories don't have chapter headings--they're short stories, so I experimented with just leaving page breaks. So now, which do you prefer?  To have chapter headings? IE, Chapter I, II, and so on, or just have page breaks in shorter stories, say anything under 6,000 words? There's a poll below, so let me know!  It'll be on my home blog page, so just click the button!

Edit: Well, it appears that for some reason my HTML poll form isn't working. So there WILL be a poll up. Soon. Soonish. Before 2022.

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