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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Coming Soon, the Moon's Kiss: 3, Fertile Fields!

A quick Excerpt from the beginning of the Moon's Kiss: 3, Fertile Fields. We're going from the jungle to small town America and soon everything will be changing!

The sun was beating down over the field as Gabby started to get ready for the day.  She flipped the sign to OPEN and looked out over the field of strawberries.
Glad I’m not picking them, the college girl thought. The strawberries weren’t quite ready, not yet. When they were, there would be people out to pick them, and she and Tom would be helping to package the new product.  But right now, they were just ripening, the red and green colors gleaming in the light. 
And that meant it was time to wait for someone to show up and buy their products. Mornings were always dead—most of the usual customers were either at work or at that college, show only the odd traveler showed up at the stand, at least until the afternoon and early evening.
But, she got paid, and it helped ensure nobody came by to help themselves from a field full of strawberries, even if they weren’t fully ripe.
That’s who I am. Gabby, overstuffed college student and strawberry guard.  She sighed, looking at her reflection in one of the metal storage units.  Strawberry (hah!) blond hair, green eyes, and a body that was…
Well, not fat, but with a little too much in the way of curves and belly for most guys to see her as great looking.  Or even good looking.  She was, at most, cute, the kind of person you looked at and dismissed in favor of the high-breasted, flat-bellied cheer captain walking down the street in her uniform because she never had to worry about having a paunch.
Oh, sure, they had to diet and exercise, but so did Gabby,  but that never helped her. She could starve herself, exercise until she was red in the face and she still had all of her weight go the wrong places.  Gabby sighed and reached down and pinched her belly.
Still way too much.
“Hey, Gabby!”
She started at the voice behind her, squeaking and spinning around. Tom was standing at the entrance to the building, grinning at her response. “Sorry, did I freak you out?”
“N-no!” Not more than usual. Tom was… Hot. Good looking, buff, his black hair and blue eyes going great with his tough build. The kind of guy that Gabby would love to date if only she could get up the courage to ask him.
But well, Tom probably wasn’t interested in someone like Gabby. Nope, he could get all the girlfriends he wanted.  Hell, he probably already had all the girlfriends he wanted back at college.
And he didn’t want Gabby.
“Hi Tom,” Gabby finally said. “How is everything?”
“Well, my class is going well, that is for being a slave-TA,” the graduate student chuckled. “You?”
“I’m not there yet,” Gabby said. She shook her head. That was another thing—Tom already had his BA, and Gabby was merely in her second year of college. So he didn’t just have the hot girls mooning over him, he had girls who were in graduate school mooning over him. Gabby sighed. “I have to finish my calculus, and hopefully not fail it. Again.”
“Ha!” Tom said. “Wait until you hit high-level chemistry.  Then you can get your anger out by blowing up the lab.”
“And paying for it,” Gabby said, brushing an errant lock of her hair over one ear. “So, anything to do today?”
“Nah. No harvesting, and since it’s the middle of the week, I don’t think we’ll get many people in. You know what that means.”
“Yeah,”  Gabby said, looking at her books. “Study time.”
“Study time,” Tom agreed. “But I do have a few friends who may be driving by.” He gestured at some of the bagged fruit. “Promised them a few bags of strawberries and cleared it with the boss.
“Oh.” Gabby stared down at the bags. “Where are they from?”
“Down from some experimental farm in South America,” Tom said with a chuckle. “Liam was supposed to be there for a bit longer, but something came up and so he’s back. Supposedly, he’s moving to a little farm town out in the boonies.”
“More than here?” Gabby asked.
“You’d be surprised,” Tom said with a chuckle. “I—” he stopped. “Well, it looks like we have some customers.”
Gabby looked over at the car pulling into the dirt parking lot. She knew that car.

Fertile Fields, the Moon's Kiss, Book III, should be out before the end of the week!

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